This is the second part of a 2-part article on the 7 core competencies of Meta-Coaching. If you haven't read Part 1 yet, we recommend you have a quick read here before continuing.
In Part 1, we looked at Supporting, Listening, Questioning and Meta-Questioning... so what more does a Coach need? Let's take a look at the final 3 skills of the 7 core competencies of Meta-Coaching.
5. Giving Feedback
Many of the executives and business professionals that I've worked with have commented that feedback is rarely done well in organisations. This is one of the reasons that I am a keen advocate of Meta-Coaching, Meta-Coaches know how to effectively give high-quality feedback, but also offers a new paradigm for clients. Imaging if feedback no longer meant that there's something wrong with you, but instead, it meant you were able to grow?
There are 10 sub-skills for giving feedback, and once again I wont be detailing them all here, but let's look at what giving high-quality feedback looks like;
Effective feedback can accelerate learning, inspiration, motivation and planning. The final step of feedback is integration, we can use feedback to develop and action plan to work towards integration. Your Meta-Coach can help you with that too. If you've ever received feedback and felt shock, anger or rejection, then it's possible your feedback wasn't delivered effectively. If you're in a high profile position and desperately seek honest, effective, high-quality feedback then I recommend you contact us to discuss our coaching options.
6. Receiving Feedback
Yep, that's right. If you're going to give feedback, you ought to know how to receive it. Feedback goes two ways and Meta-Coaches are trained to be completely open to a client in receiving explicit and implicit messages from you, the client. This is one of the ways that we can determine what is working well and what isn't working so well in our sessions. There are 11 sub-skills to receiving feedback, let's take a sneak peek at some of those sub-skills;
Make feedback normal, not a performance review.
- Ed Batista
7. Inducing States
Coaching is experiential! This means in coaching you are invited to experience your life. This skill is about your coach inducing resourceful states, and facilitating you to embody mind-body states that will contribute to the success of your coaching outcomes. But which state are we inducing? In addition to the 15 sub-skills to state induction, there are any number of resourceful states that may benefit you in a coaching session.

Michael Hall
[Inducing states means...] To be expressive enough in speech to induce the client into a state that facilitates his or her outcome so the client feels and experiences safety, trust, engagement, curiosity, change etc.
Now that you're aware of the 7 core competencies that Meta-Coaches have in their toolkit, we hope you'll choose a Meta-Coach. Having these skills on board allows your coach to provide a solid foundation of support for you, the client.
We hope that you will feel heard and with expert questions being asked, you will have the opportunity to explore deeply your meanings and thinking structures. You'll also have the opportunity to receive first class feedback, and know that your client is always open to hear your feedback.
If you'd like to experience this and more, contact us today to discuss our coaching programs.

This article was co-authored with Dr. Michael L. Hall, Neuro-Semantics Co-Founder.
Dr. Hall’s doctorate is in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychology is from Union Institute University, Cincinnati Ohio. His dissertation explored the languaging of four psychotherapies (NLP, RET, Reality Therapy, Logotherapy) using the formulations of General Semantics. He addressed the Interdisciplinary International Conference (1995) presenting an integration of NLP and General Semantics. His Masters degree was in Clinical Counseling and Psychology from Regis University in Denver Colorado and his Bachelors of Science was in Management of Human Resources. Prior to that he took a Masters in Biblical Literature and Language.
As a prolific writer, Dr. Hall has written 58 books, another 30 serial books, over 100 published articles, and is recognized as a leading NLP Trainer and Developer. Most notable of the models is the Meta-States Model, also The Matrix Model, Axes of Change, etc. Michael co-founded, with Dr. Bob Bodenhamer, Neuro-Semantics® in 1996 as a field which focuses on meaning and performance.
As a modeler of expertise, Dr. Hall has completed 27 modeling projects which include modeling resilience, self-reflexive consciousness, “thinking,” communication excellence, sales, persuasion, accelerated learning, wealth creation, women in leadership, fitness and health, cultures, leadership, collaboration, and more.